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Everything You Need to Know About Hair Loss!

by in Health
October 2 2018         2 Minute read

Everything You Need to Know About Hair Loss!

Fall has gently knocked on our door, with all its gifts and fads: a bit cooler breezes and lower temperatures, as well as higher humidity and… danger for the health of our hair.  

It is true that autumn has repeatedly been associated with seasonal hair loss. How much truth is in those claims though, and, most importantly, what can we do to protect the health and beauty of our hair?  

Discover it, by reading below!   

The Truth About Hair Loss  

The first thing we must clear out is that hair loss is, at a certain degree, a perfectly natural and healthy reaction of our body. According to some calculations, the average person loses around 100 to 150 hairs each day, without it being considered pathological or unnatural in any way. Besides, this number is insignificant when compared to the total of 100,000 on our scalp.  

Hair loss is associated with several different factors, such as gender and age. The younger the skin, the faster the replacements of each hair with a new one, which is also much more durable and elastic. There are other organic factors too that play an important role, such as heredity, certain hormones etc.  

Of equal importance though is the climate. Humidity, sudden changes in temperature and air dryness greatly affect the replacement rate of our hair. Since autumn is characterised by temperature drops and intense humidity, hair loss is often greater during those months.  

What You Can Do

We should always bear in mind that hair loss is, in time, affected by our everyday choices and way of life. In other words, it would be unwise to take measures to protect our hair and avert hair loss when we actually notice it. Prevention is always preferable to treatment.  

Since autumn has just started, take action now, starting with your diet. Besides, we shouldn’t forget that our hair is part of our body and is equally affected by our nutritional habits.  

There are certain nutrients that are necessary for healthy, shiny hair, especially iron and keratin, a protein is absolutely essential for our hair.

Hence, you should include in your daily diet lean meat and fish, egg whites, low-fat cheese, as well as spinach and soya beans. You can also take regularly vitamin supplements, such as vitamin Β and C (which ensure the proper iron absorption), zinc and magnesium. Needless to say, all these nutrients can also be taken naturally, through juices, fruits, vegetables and dried fruits.  

Try also collagen and other treatments that help the scalp veins and hair follicles to remain healthy. There are also targeted their strengthening treatments, which, when properly applied, yield excellent results.  

Check out the new series of hair care products by Parapharmacie, as well as specialised hair loss treatment for men!